Get Paid to be You - Natural Phoenix

"Entrepreneurship & Financial Freedom"... What do these words mean to you?

     No matter how hard I try not to give to much mental attention to it... "Making Money" is something that is heavily considered in everyday decisions for a large majority of people.  For a long time, I personally resented "money" because I saw first-hand what "The Love of Money" does to families, relationships, human behavior, and I am well aware of the levels of selfishness, greed, and "Power Seeking" that can be associated with possessing a tremendous amount of it and the sense of  "Power" that it can bring to a un-matured mind thinking "Love and Happiness" is something that can be "bought" or forced upon others by the use of it.

     Now that I am older and have mostly moved past my personal self-created resentments towards "Money", I have consciously conditioned myself to view it in a different way.  In viewing it as a force for positive change and growth if used well (Relative to my own Goals)  "Money is a tangible Energy for use"... is the perspective that I try to maintain today when my old Limiting Belief Patterns come back up around the topic of money and my old held resistance against it.

    I bring this personal belief pattern up here, because it has been one of the hardest belief structures for me to break as to be able to view money as something that I can personally use for good / positive change, and to see it for what "value" it can add to my life... instead of holding a resentment towards those that have used it for reasons I personally do not condone.

     One way or another... I think that a good majority of us have atleast one hidden (Subconscious) belief pattern around "Money" that keeps us from living a life of Abundance, prosperity, and comfort that we were born to experience.  Yes... money can be seen as a kind of "Power" that we are capable of wielding... though it is what we do with it that gives it meaning.

For me... "Entrepreneurship" is the ability to create a sovereign way to maintain a monetary currency flow that allows the freedom to live how I choose to live.  "Financial Freedom" is having a solid reliable foundation that allows an opportunity to live stress free from "bills", unexpected emergency expenses, and it allows us to navigate through Life in a kind of "Abundance" mentality that is secured in a sustainable stream of income that we know is reliable source of this "Energy".

     When we are able to create a lifestyle that gives us a sense of purpose / meaning and are able to create a means of income that allows us freedom to explore our passions and spend quality time with those that add value to our Life ... a whole new HUGE door of opportunity opens for us to be able to move towards becoming the person we were born to become... and to navigate easily through the journey of life that we came here to live.

     Weather it is through "Entrepreneurship", Corporate offices, Non-profit organizations, or simply doing what we love (such as teaching, police officers, mechanic, craftsman, etc...) I believe finding a sense of purpose in everything that we do is important.  As long as we are able to live a Life of our own conscious choice and are doing something that bring purpose to our lives.

Here I would like to share with you a short list of Channels that I personally appreciate for their content, presentations, and passions.  I am not affiliated with any of these channels, nor do I receive anything from promoting them.  I simply appreciate , have learned a lot from them, and would like to share their links with you.


Gary Vee YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Gary Vee -

This man is a online marketing enthusiast and "hustler".   He has LOADS of content on Social Media marketing, drop shipping, the necessary mentality and techniques to build an online presence, and expresses to great detail what it means to be/become an online entrepreneur. I appreciate him for the "Rawness" and direct communication he uses in his content.  He defiantly does not hold back in his expressions and delivery of his information, and he speaks from a type of "Reality" of online entrepreneurship that most others do not seem to want to approach (the immense work, effort, and difficulty it truly is to obtain a successful company online without your own "niche").


Project Life Mastery YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Project Life Mastery -

I really appreciate this man's content and the various aspects of life, consciousness, and online entrepreneurship aspects he covers in his channel. I can appreciate anyone that incorporates the various aspects of self-mastery, health, and online success tactics in their content, because I believe they are all important aspects of any kind of success.  They all play vital rolls in the complexity of what it takes to become successful in any endeavor … weather online marketing or any venture we may pursue in life.


Valuetainment YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Valuetainment -

I would describe this content as direct, "cut and dry", and very informative if you can appreciate a direct approach to presentations and not allow his some-what aggressive approach to entrepreneurship throw you off. If you prefer to be told directly how to approach online marketing, different avenues of online business ventures (pros and cons), and are business/sales minded... I believe him to be a great channel to explore to find the "gold nuggets" of wisdom and ideas to add to your business knowledge.


Justin Bryant YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Justin Bryant -

I appreciate this channel due to his eclectic collection (variety) of content and how he covers different entrepreneurship avenues available online. I would call this a more of a "categorized" collection of practical applications and techniques for different avenues of online marketing, social media campaigns, and many varieties of "quick money" tips that anyone can do to build side income that people with any lifestyle can implicate into their lives.


Tai Lopez YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Tai Lopez -

Anyone that studies online marketing, entrepreneurship, and Real-A-State online are probably already familiar with this channel as he has added ALL OVER YouTube presenting his content. The greatest thing I can appreciate about this entrepreneur's channel is how he speaks towards the value of "having our fingers in multiple streams of income" as he breaks down various dynamics of accumulating wealth, generating income, how to use it to build more, and he is constantly educating himself in business. He presents extremely valuable information and tips for those out there that do not have the capital to jump directly into various avenues of entrepreneurship.


Nate Obrian YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Nate Obrian -

I would describe this channel as more content that covers many various categories of online business tactics, "smart investments", and various lifestyle habits to add more value and "money" to invest into our financial futures. One thing I appreciate the most about his content is he also addresses our nature of desire to "Live the Big Life" before we have accumulated wealth to do so intelligently.  It is my opinion... that there is so much truth and value to learn how to appreciate a simple lifestyle. This speaks towards the wisdom of understanding the difference between "financial freedom" vs "having and spending big money".  One is a never-ending hole needing to be filled... and the other is simply true financial freedom without the desire and necessity for "more things" which brings a huge amount of freedom to life.