Written & Audio
I, for sure, know how hard it can be to find information in today's World without a biased spin, a feeling of being "Convinced" by someone, or some form of emotional implication projected within any content shared.
One thing I have defiantly learned in search for finding "Truth" is that... no matter how much information someone provides for me to consume as a belief structure, something to consider, or a way to help me with some situation; I am the only one that has the capability to create "My Truth", based on my beliefs and understandings of the narratives expressed.
It seems there is a space within me that "Feels" truth, like a kind of inner tuning fork that "Feels" when something sounds "Right", and it creates a kind of residual internal sensation that stimulates movement and a desire to hear more.
Here... I would like to share my "Truth" from 13 years of study and experience, born from a desire to help you add to and-or strengthen your own.
The Value and Sustainability of "Minimalism".
How to "Surrender to Life" to find your "Flow".
The Power of "Intention" behind words and actions.
How to live "Authentically" and "Be who you are Freely".
The Value of taking more and more "Responsibility" of your life.
How to apply the "4 Agreements" to find inner strength and true power.
The Value of asking "Priority Questions" and what there is to learn from them.
Finding ways to live a more Sustainable "Life"... that inspires and works for You.
What Men want from Women & what Women want from Men by "Divine Nature".
The Value of "Habit-Stacking" techniques and following the Natural Rhythms of each day.
The Value of Compassion... for Relationships, learning new things, and Family dynamics.
"Soul-mates / Twin Flames", "Courting / Dating", "Red Flags", and Value based Attractions.