"Physical Health" is one of the most important aspects of "Life" that it seems I am constantly having to keep in check.
What I have found from my research (learned, observed, and practiced) is that the Human body is an incredible machine if we can understand how it works. Playing with the various movements, muscle strengths, and the infinite possibilities that can be accomplished with a healthy body is astonishing to think about.
One of the main reasons I personally focus on "Physical Fitness"... is because the physical aspects of the human body play a tremendous role in our Life-styles, habits, thought patterns, confidence, and external expressions into the world that we all experience everyday.
Weather we are willing to admit it or not... we are very sensory creatures and are constantly observing and making subtle judgments about our environment and the "Physicality" of those that we interact with all the time. When we see someone as "Fit", "Healthy", or "Physically Attractive", we tend to treat them differently than we would someone that we do not find attractive. Long story short, "Physically Healthy" people live longer, are capable of thinking clearer, and are offered more opportunities in Life.
Here I would like to share with you a short list of Channels that I personally appreciate for their content, presentations, and passions. I am not affiliated with any of these channels, nor do I receive anything from promoting them. I simply appreciate , have learned a lot from them, and would like to share their links with you.
- Rodney Yee -
There are various forms of Yoga out there. This is simply one practitioner that I personally appreciate. I would like to add here … Yoga in its original form is not only about performing and holding possess for physical health! It is also a re-centering of the body - mind with its practices, bringing them both more in alignment with one another for optimal health. Yoga subtly brings us back into being in the present moment and sensations of our body while we are still and in motion. This naturally creates a more conscious connection to our feelings and bodily subtleties that we are not typically aware of. Whereby, giving us opportunities to sense our subtle movements, sensations in the body, and it aids us to avoid injury or dis-ease allowing the body the health and space to heal itself naturally.
- Wim Hof -
I personally LOVE what this man is doing in his movement, the "Method" he promotes, and the sense of grounded Spirituality & presence that he maintains. His channel is based on his incredible story, different techniques he has adopted from his 15-year search for inner peace, and an evolutionary method he has developed that is known as the "Wim Hof Method". He has discovered different simple techniques to stimulate the body's natural healing elements. He has also set many new World Records with his practices, scientists have studied him thoroughly trying to understand how he is able to stimulate the body's natural Immune system of the stem cell of the brain, and he has accomplished many things that not many believe to be possible (Climbing Mt. Everest in nothing but shorts... and more). What he has shown in his work is that simply by breathing correctly, mindfulness, cold water submersion, and through a disciplined mind... the human body can overcome many things and find a tremendous sense of balance within it-self.
- Bulletproof -
This channel goes over many different aspects of physical health and techniques for longevity. I greatly appreciate it because of its evolutionary information on "Biohacking" and mastering the physical elements of the human body using our Scientific understandings of it. This channel shares a lot of information about various aspects of Longevity based on Biology, Anatomy, Physical Circadian Rhythms, and the mechanics of Cells, Proteins, DNA, and Brain Neuro functions / processes. It is my opinion that "Biohacking" will quickly become an evolutionary science mixed with technology that will quickly become widely practiced for physical fitness applications.
- Fitness FAQS -
The man that leads this channel is a Personal Trainer for Professional Athletes, weight trainers, and normal everyday people. I appreciate this Channel because he covers many different aspects of weight training, cardio exercises, and he thoroughly goes into depth as to showing the anatomy and different aspects involved in each workout. A very important aspect to exercise is the correct techniques, which he discusses well, and he proves that he is very educated in this throughout his presentations and his incredibly large following.
- Official Thenx -
Calisthenic workouts are great exercises, techniques, and endurance-based training for high endurance muscle growth in the body necessary to perform high endurance sports and hobbies. It uses our body weight in collections of exercises to build strong muscle fibers that allows (in Parkour) a practitioner to climb walls, perform various acrobatic tricks, and creates a core strength that allows a strong inner healthy body.
- Bob & Brad -
These 2 men are both Physical Therapists. They have a lot of useful content on techniques for overcoming different kinds of joint, bone, and muscular pains. I appreciate this channel because they explain things well, they show the different Anatomies of the topics of their videos, they discuss bone structures and what causes the pains, and how it all works along with the subject topics of their videos. I have learned through my practice that the "Inner Body" (Joints, ligaments, tendons, skeletal alignment, etc.) play a vital role in Well-being and overall general health. They are the key components of our body and create the foundation for everything else about our experiences of life to exist... to the degree of health that we have internally.
- Jeremy Either -
This Channel is another set of videos with different techniques, sciences, and exercises that go over the science of weight training and the anatomy of how it all works within the body. I appreciate any channel that goes through the science, biology, and muscular structures so that we are informed of all of the aspects of the exercises and workouts that we desire to do. With this knowledge, we can tailor our fitness workouts to precisely what it is we want to do that day and be fully informed as to what it is we are doing.
- Motivational Doc -
It is my belief that this Dr. is well informed in the physical, nutritional, and energetic aspects of the human body... as he covers a wide range of topics that are involved in overall health, longevity, and well-being. He covers topics anywhere from joint and chronic pain to pressure points, "Energy Medicine" techniques, food, detoxing, natural remedies, and much more as he uses biology, anatomy, and various sciences to explain his content. Outside of the overall range of important and useful information he shares... his presentations are very clear, understandable, and given in a way that anyone not familiar with the information can still benefit and understand his presentations.