Self Mastery Balance Blog YouTube Links - Natural Phoenix

The topic of "Self-Mastery" is a very complicated term to break down, due to deciding all of the aspects of our lives that these words could give reference to.

     For me... it could be measured by using words like: Physical health, "Emotional Intelligence", Mental Health, Discipline, Courage (Standing up to our fears), Internal Resilience, Internal / External Strength, Determination, Educated, Maturity, Responsibility, Dedication, Self Control... etc.   There are many other words that could be added here when we take the time to consider what the words "Self-Mastery" could mean to you.

     Everything starts in the "Mind" and how we perceive the External World in relationship to our internal dialog about it. Those aspects listed above are all based in the thoughts, decisions, and actions we take in every moment of our lives.

     There is so much to say here as to the various ways that these words entangle into our lives, what the benefits are, and how all of these things inter-twine into our existence.  Though, you can only understand what I am expressing through your own experiences, based on the various subtle changes you make in your own life, and see the proof of the results for yourself.

    What I would like to suggest is, and why I have listed all of these Channels below, is I am of the opinion that all of these things start in the Sub-conscious thought patterns, external expressions of Conscious desires, and can be observed in the External experiences of our lives when we know what to look for.

Here is a short list of Channels that I personally appreciate for their content, presentations, and passions.  I am not affiliated with any of these channels, nor do I receive anything from promoting them.  I simply appreciate, have learned a lot from them, and would like to share their links with you.


Academy of Ideas YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

- Academy of Ideas -

I personally love this Channel because of the vast range of esoteric, contemplative, and different philosophical concepts that they cover in their videos. As to allow them to speak toward their own mission statement... "Our goal is to create videos which convey in a clear manner the ideas put forth by some of the greatest thinkers of history, in order to supply the world with more wisdom, empower the individual, and promote social freedom.".

Charisma On Command YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

- Charisma On Command -

I greatly appreciate this channel and the direction they are going with their passion for Self-Mastery, external Authentic expressions, and how they cover many different aspects to our psyche. Different little subtle things we can become aware of and make subtle shifts in our awareness to become more confident, open, and improve our connection to ourselves and the external world. As to learn how to fully express ourselves Authentically and become the best "selves" we can, by learning the signs and symbols of external maturity within ourselves and how to achieve them. 

Tom Bilyeu YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Tom Bilyeu -

I would liken him to a kind of Joe Rogan channel as he brings in and interviews different influential people in the fields of personal growth, business, and motivational thinkers as to provide many different perspectives for us to take information from. As to use his own words and description... "Welcome to my channel!  I'm Tom Bilyeu and my goal with this YouTube channel is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams.  You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life, and learn how to live to your full potential. ".  This is his passion... and his desire for all of us to "BE LEGENDARY".

Improvement Pill YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Improvement Pill -

In his content, he speaks a lot towards different small life hacks, behavioral patterns and subconscious equivalents, and various aspects of personal growth. As he describes himself in his "About" page on his channel... "Taken like a multi-vitamin... but for your mind.  Improvement Pill is dedicated towards conveying important ideas to those who are willing to change.  Each video is designed to inspire, motivate, or teach you something that can change your life.". 

Intellectual Exercises YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Intellectual Exercise -

Within their feed, they have a vast collection of audio books, seminars, speeches, and study notes over many esoteric concepts and "Divine" aspects of life. He speaks towards a variety of concepts in the genres of Alchemy, Hermetic principles, various ideologies of respected scholars, and Occult wisdom passed down through the ages as he re-applies the principles to our world and understandings today. 

Echart Tolle YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Eckhart Tolle -

"The Power of Now" was one of the first audio books I started with on my journey towards self-mastery, and he was one of the most influential Scholars in the beginning stages of my journey of personal development.

Far From Average YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Far From Average -

I greatly appreciate this Channels content on what it means to be a "Mature Man"! This channel hones in on: what it means to be a Man, various ways to understand women and their body language/signals, what it means to be a true "Alfa Male", the differences between Beta / Alfa / and Sigma Males, how to mature the Masculine Energies inside of Men, and he presents his content in a way that inspires men towards the value of maturity using our most primitive / natural instincts to mate and fulfill our purposes in life.

Top Think YouTube Link - Natural Phoenix

Top Think -

I would describe this channel very much like the description for "Improvement Pill"... to be honest.  Again, in his content he speaks a lot towards different small life hacks, behavioral patterns and subconscious equivalents, and various aspects of personal growth.  Both of these channels have 1M+ subscribers... so it is safe to say there is plenty of value in the information they present.