- What We Never Learned in School - You are SO MUCH MORE than you know! There is ALOT about "Life" that we were never taught in "School". Yet... there is so much that we can learn from the "School of Life".

- How to Overcome Anxiety - What is feeling "Anxiety"? Anxiety is creative energy in the body... pushing you towards change to create your ideal Reality.

- How to Rise Above Insecurity - Do you know that feeling? You know... that thought in the back of your mind that you are "not good" enough nor deserve what you desire. This thought, and its opposite, is a choice.

- How to Overcome Fear - Is "Fear" an "Experience"... or an "Emotion" expressed as a reaction to external stimuli? An Experience you can change and adapt to... as well as any Emotional Response!
- The Value of Positive Thinking - There is a saying... "Master the morning and you can master your day.". When you wake up in the morning... what are the first thoughts that run through you mind? 
- The Value of Mindfulness - What is Mindfulness? How is it Useful? How can we achieve it? "Mindfulness'" is the ability to be able to be aware and present with our conscious selves, subconscious thought patterns, and experiences thorough out the day.
- Art and Creative Self Expression - How do you express yourself? Are you expressing your true authentic self?... OR... Are you expressing yourself according to how you think others want you to express yourself? AUTHENTICY IS TRUE FREEDOM!
 - The Power of Affirmations - Reading and listening to "Affirmations" can be a very beneficial way of creating positive subconscious pattern habits. Affirming empowering belief patterns in our psyche has been proven time and time again to subtly and profoundly make huge impacts in many people's lives.
- Detoxing For Optimal Physical & Mental Health - A healthy body ensures a healthier Life. There are many ways of looking at detoxification of the human body... and many different techniques, tools, and nutritional habits that help to aid in cleansing the body of anything that is not natural to it (toxic).
- The Value of Conscious Nutrition - Are you conscious of the "Nutrition" that you allow into your bodyAre you aware that everything that you absorb into your mind and body can be considered “Nutrition”, and perhaps is the most important decisions you make throughout the day? What are the 3 pillars of Nutrition, and why are they so important to understand”?
-The Value of taking Responsibility for every situation in Life - What does the word "Responsibility" mean? How is the answer to all of life's experiences built into that word? How will understanding and embracing this one word CHANGE your Life?