Value of Concious Nutrition
Are you conscious of the “Nutrition” that you allow into your body? Are you aware that everything that you absorb into your mind and body can be considered “Nutrition”, and perhaps is the most important decisions you make throughout the day?
"Nutrition", in my view, is anything that we consciously allow into our physical, mental, and emotional “body”. I call this conscious awareness pattern the “3 Pillars of Conscious Nutrition” … and have found this aspect of Life choices to be one of the most important and foundational decisions we all make every day.
Have you ever eaten “Heavy” food at a Buffett or somewhere where you left feeling nauseously full and not able to think or operate for some time because all you could think about was how bloated your body felt, how energetically fatigued you probably where, or consciously telling yourself “I ate too much!", creating self-shaming thought patterns that are not healthy in any way?
Then, you fall sleep due to lack of energy, wake up still tired, bloated and uncomfortable, and mentally feeling anxious or fogy. Wondering, “Why do I feal like this, why do I allow myself to eat like this, or what was the value of satisfying all of these cravings… yet, still not quite feeling fulfilled in any of them?”
On the other hand, have you ever gone to a small local full salad bar or healthy restaurant that serves nutrient dense food that is not over-filling, and come out feeling satisfied, vibrant, joyful, energetic, and grateful for your life?
This is how the 3 pillars of Nutrition affect us every day, in a variety of ways of looking at it.
I call them the 3 pillars of nutrition, because I believe “Nutrition” to be any external stimulation or substance that we allow into our physical, mental, and -or- emotional body through-out the day… and how all of these “Nutrient Types” effect our energy levels, emotional states / expressions, psychological mental patterns, and ultimately how all of these things combined have a MAJOR impact on how we create our Internal narrative and the patterns that we experience as "External Reality”.
To break down what I mean by the” 3 Pillars of Conscious Nutrition” …
To generalize it as simple as possible, the idea is to be consciously aware of what kind of foods, substances, emotional states, sensory stimulations, and liquid intakes that you allow into your physical, emotional, chemical, and psychological “Body” … and to be consciously aware enough to observe what effects these stimulants and “Energy Sources” are having in your life experiences.
I generally divided these 3 pillars into…
Primary Nutrition, Secondary Nutrition, & Environmental Nutrition
Is the "Emotional" (energetic) nutrition that you experience with those you spend the most time with through-out the day. These would be the emotional interactions and investments that we share with friends, family, romantic relationships, work colleges, and random acquaintances we experience though-out our life.
One way to look at this form of “Nutrition” and why I call it the “Primary Nutrition"… is because our emotional patterns in relationships completely determine the outcome of our interactions, the flow of how our “Life” unfolds each day, the mental patterns that luminate through our psyche, and they very much create and influence the subconscious narrative (where conscious thoughts come from) that will cycle throughout our day of tasks. These habitual psychological thoughts and emotional states become your personal “Patterns of Being”.
It has been said that we are an accumulated sum of the 5 people that we spend the most time with. I believe that this is because of the emotional and psychological patterns that we intake from each-other; through each other’s mannerisms, thought patterns / words expressed, and emotional responses to conversational ques that we absorb into subconscious beliefs and allow to resonate as something to believe in to navigate our lives from.
These patterns we absorb continue to echo throughout our day because, ultimately, we are creatures of habit. This truth also applies to our emotional and psychological body as-well. So, say we met with some friends for drinks, had a great time, and the mood was light, fun, empowering, etc. and we go from there to our next cycle of experience. Our previous experience is still very much alive in our subconscious as we are ruminating on our experience and what we took from it, as we are in the new cycle of experience.
We continue to echo the residue from that experience into our new environment... and our new environment, in a way of looking at it, will reflect those moods back to us. Conversely, if the experience with the friends was heavy, emotional, lonely, etc... those echos will show up in our next experience as-well.
Long story short... as we cycle through these experiences throughout the day and go about each daily task, the accumulation of these emotional experiences continues to stack upon each other, and the emotional and psychological states that we habitually experience over time becomes a habitual "way of being" and how we show up in the "external world".
You could say that our “mind state” is a “habit-based point of reference” of how we experience each day. Where, habitual mental and physical patterns become conscious and unconscious patterns of behavior and internal narratives, and our behaviors and narratives become our base personality type and internal dialog over time.
So, please, be mindful of your experiences and emotional interactions with different friends, environments, and experiences... because each one of these experiences essentially create our narrative and experiences throughout our day, weeks, months, and years.
Are the physical substances that we choose to put into our body. These range from the types of foods, drinks, supplements, and -or- medications that we allow to create chemical reactions in the mind and body that dictate our life, moods, hormonal balances, energy levels, physiological brain patterns (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta) (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) … and these choices have a huge impact on how our day unfolds and psychological states we operate from though out each day. These intakes, and their effects, heavily influence our “Life Experience” and dictate the kind of energy we have to create our Life from through-out each day.
I am not going to go into or recommend any kind of particular “Diet” here, because each “Diet” is relative to each individual "Lifestyle choices" and each produces its own outcomes and relative values. There are vast sources of books on nutrition, many different dietitians to follow up with for more information online or in different local places, and this is a topic I am not licensed to speak towards a general audience about.
Yet, I personally have tried and studied many different diets and nutrition ideologies… and have formed my own opinion on what works for me and my lifestyle, speaking here from a place of spending 13 years exploring “Diet” and the variety of benefits and effects it has overall in my life.
I would simply like to highly recommend that everyone take conscious action towards homing in and creating a healthy conscious diet that works for your individual lifestyle that at least provides all of the vitamins, minerals, calories, etc. for a healthy functioning body… and to be mindful of the chemical reactions that they create within you. These nutritional influences can be observed by your moods, energy levels, mental states and thought patterns experienced throughout the day.
Some “Diets” are good for weightlifting, some are good for high endurance athletic performance, some are good for losing weight, some are good for longevity, some are just simple and convenient for "busy" people… etc. So, I would not wounder to say, “This Diet Works for all people”.
Though, I would say that being conscious and deliberate of the types of physical foods and drinks we allow into our body absolutely has an effect on how our life plays out, how the chemical make-up in our body from these substances influences our life, how balanced/grounded we are in our interactions with other people, and of course… the distribution of our energy levels and how much “Energy” we have to put towards achieving our goals and desired outcome to “Create” the “Life” that we want to live.
Covers the kind of sensory input that we allow into our visual and audio input that stimulate different mental states, emotional states, and anchored thought patterns that we all tend to cycle through repeatedly throughout the day.
As an example, I will use "Social Media" as a perfect example here. Say you see a number of examples of uplifting, empowering, enjoyable posts in your algorithmic feed. The mood that arises from seeing these posts works very much like the residual habits expressed in the "Primary Nutrition" section of this essay. On the other hand, if the content is negative, aggressive, divisive, or dramatic... the emotions we experience in response to that content also will imprint in our subconscious.
Or another example is "watching a movie/tv show". Most of us tend to pick a character that we do, or want to, identify with and we subconsciously put ourselves in their shoes, and in many ways, experience an imaginary experience through their eyes as their experiences in the movie unfolds. When we live "vicariously through others" we unconsciously experience all of the emotional ups and downs, fights, romances, interactions, and -or- experiences that cycle throughout the movie story.
Our nervous system internally reacts to these visual vicarious experiences... and it is like we ourselves were there and experienced those things. Again, like explained in the "Primary Nutrition" we embody, or mirror, these experiences... and bring what we embodied from those experiences into our daily reality and how we show up in the world. All of these experiences subtly shift how we interact with the world and the other people that show up in it.
It is believed that we all have thousands of thoughts per day, and the vast majority of them are cycler thoughts that repeat over and over through-out our lives… until we let them go through “Conscious Insite” / understanding (figuring out what it is we are supposed to learn from them or the fulfillment of desired anticipated experience) and move deeper into those thought patterns, or they die off and the insight is imprinted into our subconscious... in which we unconsciously subtly shift our "persona" and patterns of external expressions from those insights through our conscious expressions.
We can also strengthen new thought patterns through exercising various states of consciousness that create different vibrational thoughts that we can habituate into new thought patterns and mental expressions. (Subconscious Re-Conditioning practices, such as Affirmations or NLP Cognitive therapy techniques)
So, in conclusion, the recommendation here would be to be "Deliberately Conscious" of the types of content, movies, TV shows, relationships, food, drinks, medications/drugs, etc... that you allow into your physical, mental, and emotional (nervous system) body and the effects these stimulants have on your energy reserves, emotional states, and thought patterns throughout the day... as all of these stimulants play a major role in how your moods, interactions, thought patterns, and habitual conscious expressions play out throughout your life.
If you can learn how to "Consciously" create the "Algorithms" (in a way of looking at it) that you allow into our physical, mental, and emotional lives... you will DRAMATICALY CHANGE your Life!
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